If you are a Kuchingite or Kuchingian..any which way you want to call it….you’ll definitely know what I am talking about when I say Rojak Kuchei (Rojak India). If you are wondering what is a Kuchei…Kuchei is the name of the owner of the business….He has been serving Rojak India for a long time…Generations of Kuchingian or Kuchingite had been coming to the place to get their fill of Rojak India.... Rojak Kuchei is a brand name by itself….a food institution…one of Kuching well known original attraction?.. Maybe he should’ve patented the name. Otherwise it would become like Satay “Ceko” where everyone claims that they are the original Satay “Ceko”… Satay “Ceko” is a different story altogether..hehehhe
If you want to eat Rojak India for breakfast, everyone will definitely think of Rojak Kuchei, The shop is located at Jalan Batu Lintang opposite the JKR Kuching Divisional Office (Lati: 1°32'5.78"N & Long:110°20'29.68"E).... You have to come very early in the morning and book your seats. You’ll see many people enjoying their rojak and the stream of people do not end. Business is so good that it’ll be finish by noon time. The fried chicken, beansprouts, vegerable fritters, tofu all covered by a thick, savoury, and delicious gravy that harmonizes all the ingredients to make the perfect rojak india...hmmmmmmm....
The one I went to is operated by his son and located at King’s Centre. Some say It is as good as the father's shop, but some say the original is much better. It's up to you to decide..I guess its just a matter of taste. Who knows the new place will start its own legacy and another generations of followers.....
Masih belum berjaya pegi lagik. Always terbabas tido.
sik apa pok....even lam kol 10 boleh gik....mun sik ada siya...ada di king's centre...
masalahnya, event beradu baruk habis pukul 9.30 and mandi will take about 1 hour or more..... Elisa suka mandi!!!!
PS;- Mandi sambil betandak!
i also want to go wawawa
yang... update blog yang update!!
Dude, there are still a lot of food to be eaten.
I gotta come again. Need a new favourite Breakfast place.LOL
I heard ada this one place that serve great mee jawa...somewhere at Central Police Station.....in fact some say it is the best kept secret around sebab yg tau x nak cakap....takut cepat habis
Sidak sik maok madah sebab its contravene Sedition Act yang akan menyebabkan kenak tangkap under ISA. Tambah lagik dekat dengan Central Police Station. So, kalau mau tau, kena hantar James Bond pegi espionage.
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