Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Laksa ESJA

Originally uploaded by wajawalker

Ahh...the fasting month has ended and Laksa ESJA is open for business. The 'oh' so delicious laksa and nasi lemak...

If you have the craving for some home-made laksa and nasi lemak..(that is the only dish they serve)...that taste really good..REALLY, REALLY good, come over to Laksa ESJA located No.2027, Lorong B, RPR Fasa 2, Jalan Astana, Petra Jaya, Kuching.

Sekali cuba mesti hendak lagi......muahahahahahahhaaha


Nana said...

welcome to the blogging world win!!

jgn lah segan2 link aku, sepertimana aku pon tak segan nak link ko.


chubbyhubby said...

thank you....hahahahha sat aku link ko punye blog...muaahahahahahah