After I have lost oo...about 3 kg during the puasa month....it took me about 30 days to lose all that weight. It tookme about less than a week to gain back all the weight....and maybe more. You keep saying to yourself that "I can control myself" then you go to one open house and another, and another....until at the end of the day....you are overloaded with delicious rendang, curry, lemang, ketupat and satay. Then, there is the next day...the adventure continues
This Hari Raya was particularly special because I get to spend it with my wife and my 7-month old son. This is his 1st Raya and he had 4 Baju Melayu, courtesy of my wife and I and his "anjang". However, on 2nd day of raya he had a fever. The fever was quite high, about 39.3 deg Celcius. The doctor had to administer the "pil bom" into the backside to quickly bring his temperature down. Nevertheless he did got better and we managed to cram some hari raya visiting into the few days that were left. Even managed to organized Majlis Aqiqah for him later....but that is another story.
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