Friday, October 24, 2008

Kuching’s Famous Rojak India (Rojak Kuchei)?

Rojak Kuchei

If you are a Kuchingite or Kuchingian..any which way you want to call it….you’ll definitely know what I am talking about when I say Rojak Kuchei (Rojak India). If you are wondering what is a Kuchei…Kuchei is the name of the owner of the business….He has been serving Rojak India for a long time…Generations of Kuchingian or Kuchingite had been coming to the place to get their fill of Rojak India.... Rojak Kuchei is a brand name by itself….a food institution…one of Kuching well known original attraction?.. Maybe he should’ve patented the name. Otherwise it would become like Satay “Ceko” where everyone claims that they are the original Satay “Ceko”… Satay “Ceko” is a different story altogether..hehehhe

If you want to eat Rojak India for breakfast, everyone will definitely think of Rojak Kuchei, The shop is located at Jalan Batu Lintang opposite the JKR Kuching Divisional Office (Lati: 1°32'5.78"N & Long:110°20'29.68"E).... You have to come very early in the morning and book your seats. You’ll see many people enjoying their rojak and the stream of people do not end. Business is so good that it’ll be finish by noon time. The fried chicken, beansprouts, vegerable fritters, tofu all covered by a thick, savoury, and delicious gravy that harmonizes all the ingredients to make the perfect rojak india...hmmmmmmm....

The one I went to is operated by his son and located at King’s Centre. Some say It is as good as the father's shop, but some say the original is much better. It's up to you to decide..I guess its just a matter of taste. Who knows the new place will start its own legacy and another generations of followers.....

Monday, October 20, 2008

Wantan noodles..anyone??

The bowl is half empty coz cannot tahan already....ate half then took picture

If ever you want to eat halal delicious wantan soup with noodle.. Come to Cafe 75 located at Jalan Hj Taha.. (for those who have Google Earths & Map these are the coordinates,

Lat: 1°33'22.60"N and Long: 110°20'19.34"E) those Kuchingites that don't have access to internet..hmmm..., its one of the shop houses near Swee Kang's house....(maybe i'll blog about that next......).. :)

It is one of my favorite breakfast spots.. The broth is hot, fresh, clear and mouth-watering and the wantans are made fresh daily..add your preferred noodle whether kueh tiaw, yellow egg noodle, mee hoon..add a little chilli sauce... You will definitely have a complete and refreshing breakfast.. Less the calories and fat.....

The lunch selection is also very very nice, with great Malay dishes like tempoyak goreng (seasonal), ulam-ulaman, ayam masak merah, sayur masak lemak and other tasty treats for the taste buds....come and try, its open on weekdays and saturdays...tutup on Sundays...hehehheheheh......

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Emir.....the continuing saga (7mth2wks)

He is now 7 month and 2 weeks old. (This picture was taken when he just woken up on a Saturday morning. He just woke up and started playing and I got my handphone and started taking some photos.....)

  • He already has two middle teeth growing on the bottom gum

  • and can now crawl and able lift himself up (using a table, side of a wall, baby cot or whatever things he can get his hands on)...and getting himself in loads of trouble

  • Enjoys his puree"ed" bubur, Nestum oats and prunes, and the occasional rusk biscuits

  • Like taking hot water baths....

  • He is still breastfeeding...

  • The moment he wakes up, he will start crawling to the nearest person....

  • Has learn what my wife and I call a fake smile "senyum bulak". It's like he doesn't really understand what is so funny...but smile just to appease you.

  • Still stare intensively at faces he doesn't know

  • Still difficult making him laugh....

  • has a voracous apetite aka "rangkak"...

  • he also makes the "geram" face especially when banging the remote on the floor

  • Enjoys his books.....his small yellow animal book, his farm animal books from uncle bob and his BIG story book (Snow White and the Seven Dwarves)....

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Laksa ESJA

Originally uploaded by wajawalker

Ahh...the fasting month has ended and Laksa ESJA is open for business. The 'oh' so delicious laksa and nasi lemak...

If you have the craving for some home-made laksa and nasi lemak..(that is the only dish they serve)...that taste really good..REALLY, REALLY good, come over to Laksa ESJA located No.2027, Lorong B, RPR Fasa 2, Jalan Astana, Petra Jaya, Kuching.

Sekali cuba mesti hendak lagi......muahahahahahahhaaha

Majlis Aqiqah cum Open House??

The plan was to have the Aqiqah on the 11th of Syawal 1429 i.e. 11th October 2008 because of a few reasons.

  1. It was still during the Raya month, so the house masih belum berselerak.
  2. All the immediate family were still on holiday.
  3. Impossible to have it after October, because there will be a lot of majlis kahwin every week until New Year.

The 3 main problems were:

  1. No goats confirmed for the Aqiqah. In Islam for boys, the parents had to prepare two goats for the majlis. the goats had to meet some criteria before they can be used.
  2. No zikir group available.
  3. The caterer could not be contacted.

Since there was no conformation of event, we could't invite gusets..kwang..kwang..kwang

All this was happening and it was already the 3rd day of Raya (3rd October 2008)....uhhuhuhuhu... now you must be thinking that why o why Iwould put myselfthrough this. I can't answer that.....I even thought of maybe cancelling the majlis to next year. But Alhamdulilah, in the eleventh hour everything fell into place. My wife calmed me down and say that Insya Allah everything would be fine. The goats were available, we got the zikir group form Kampung Gita to attend and the menu for the majlis was confirmed by the caterer. We even managed to distribute the invitation letters to all the family members and sms to friends. Everything was set for the Aqiqah to be held at our house, 2.00pm.

On the 11th, it was two o'clock. the tents were just being put up and there were no tables and chairs. the caterers are still busy preparing the menu and no guest in sight. My wife and I are worried. Did all the invitations got out....are people coming? the majlis going to be a disaster?...

At about 2.30 they finished setting up the tables and chairs, the zikir group was already in the house, guests were slowly coming. I was busy collecting "sedekah" from family, friends and guests. Tidak cukup my pocket...hahahhahah....thanks to all who came...

One of the few guests to arrive was my wife's boss, who was a non-muslim (I know we are not supposed to serve aqiqah meat to non-muslim...we served him "cow's meat" I bought separately). He came at about 1.50 pm....because the invitation was about 2pm. Mind you the tables and chairs were still being put up. By normal standards he was on time but...he is early by Malaysian standards...hmmmm.....we should change the standard.......don't you think??

The zikir group started reciting the zikir, I was busy welcoming the guests outside, my wife was busy inside entertaining the other guests....Emir was surprisingly calm and attentive to all the commotion in the house. He just kept quiet and monitored everything around him. Of course he has this habit of staring directly at you if he does not recognize the face.

Then, I was called in to carry Emir around the zikir group for the hair cutting and tepung tawar ceremony. Anor followed me from behind. So, there was me walking around with Emir..having his hair (what is left of it) cut off and ditepung tawar ...with me and Anor also being tepung tawar"ed" together. During all this, Emir just kept quiet and stared at each individual guest who is cutting his hair,....he must be wondering "why are all these strangers here cutting my hair?"....

Alhamdulillah, the "majlis" went on without a hitch...everything went smoothly afterwards. Eventhough there was a slight rain, all the guests enjoyed the feast afterwards. Dalca kambing, ayam masak merah, sayur campur, ikan terubok masin and fruits were served with hot plain rice.
Truthfully, Anor and I was really relieved when it was all over. Luckily we had the caterer to cleanup afterwards. We were defintely exhausted......pooped out...hahhahahahahahaha....
Nevertheless it was all worth it for little Emir Effendy........................

Aftermath of Hari Raya

After I have lost oo...about 3 kg during the puasa took me about 30 days to lose all that weight. It tookme about less than a week to gain back all the weight....and maybe more. You keep saying to yourself that "I can control myself" then you go to one open house and another, and another....until at the end of the are overloaded with delicious rendang, curry, lemang, ketupat and satay. Then, there is the next day...the adventure continues

This Hari Raya was particularly special because I get to spend it with my wife and my 7-month old son. This is his 1st Raya and he had 4 Baju Melayu, courtesy of my wife and I and his "anjang". However, on 2nd day of raya he had a fever. The fever was quite high, about 39.3 deg Celcius. The doctor had to administer the "pil bom" into the backside to quickly bring his temperature down. Nevertheless he did got better and we managed to cram some hari raya visiting into the few days that were left. Even managed to organized Majlis Aqiqah for him later....but that is another story.